
2024 CFMIP Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity

Boston, USA  June 3-6, 2024

The 2024 CFMIP meeting was hosted at Boston College.

This CFMIP meeting focused on science relevant to Clouds, Circulation, Precipitation, and Climate Sensitivity, and addressed ongoing CFMIP activities, including observational constraints, informal MIPs, CFMIP4 for CMIP7, etc. A part of the meeting was dedicated to a joint session with the CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel and TROPICS project on topics of mutual interest including the pattern of tropical surface ocean change ("the pattern effect").

More information including the final program are available at the conference website

We are grateful to Yi Ming and Clare Singer (local organizers at Boston College) for hosting us.

updated by Jen Kay, June 11, 2024

2023 joint GASS-CFMIP Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity

Paris, France, July 9-13, 2023

The 2023 CFMIP meeting was successfully held in downtown Paris in Sorbonne University.

This CFMIP meeting focused on themes relevant to Clouds, Circulation, Precipitation, and Climate Sensitivity, and served to enhance science around ongoing CFMIP and Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX)'s Global Atmospheric System Studies (GASS) activities.  We very much enjoyed discussing science and collaborations in person.

We are grateful to Florent Brient and Sandrine Bony (local organizers) for hosting us.

All information available on the conference website HERE

updated by Jen Kay, July 25, 2023

2022 CFMIP Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity

Seattle, USA,  July 19-22, 202

The 2022 CFMIP meeting was successfully held at the Adler Commons, the University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

This CFMIP meeting focused on the themes relevant to Clouds, Circulation, Precipitation, and Climate Sensitivity, and addressed all other ongoing CFMIP activities, including CFMIP-sponsored informal Model Intercomparison Projects (informal MIPs) and experiments.  

The meeting agenda is available HERE.

We are grateful to Rob Wood and Roj Marchand (local organizers at the University of Washington) for hosting us.

The presentation files and recordings will soon be available at the meeting web site.

updated by Masa Watanabe, July 23rd, 2022

Due to the continuous pandemic, the 2021 CFMIP meeting was held online. Continuing the themes from previous years, we welcomed contributions related to Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity. All participants were invited to join the live discussions at the virtual poster halls at Gather Town. 

The meeting was so successful, with over 326 registered participants, including 46 early career scientists, and about 140 people presented posters (see the meeting agenda). In addition, two keynote presentations were given by Thorsten Mauritsen and Kyle Armour on Day 2.

We are grateful to the Organizing committee (Florent Brient, Paulo Ceppi, Yen-Ting Hwang, and Sarah Kang) for making this virtual meeting very successful.

The link to Gather.Town is still available and posters can also be seen directly here.

Two winners of the CFMIP Early Career Scientist award were selected by a fair judgement by the committee. Congratulations! 

posted by Masa Watanabe, September 21th, 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the 2020 CFMIP meeting was held online. Each day's 1.5 hour session featured 2-3 invited speakers and discussion moderated by the session conveners. All sessions were available both live at times convenient for many time zones and recorded. Also, we provided "local hubs", i.e., groups of scientists who discuss/present at times and within forums that are locally convenient.

At registration, all were invited to submit a figure with a short written summary to be displayed on the meeting website and used for discussion as a part of the sessions and at local hubs.

The meeting was so successful, with over 330 people registered in advance and about 140 people attended to the live session each day (see the meeting agenda).

We are grateful to the Organizing committee (Jen Kay, Allison Wing, Paulo Ceppi, Thorsten Mauritsen, Yen-Ting Hwang, Christian Proistosescu) and the Zoom hosts at NCAR CGD (Andrew Gettelman, Angie Pendergrass, Brian Medeiros, Elizabeth Faircloth, Ryan Johnson) for making this virtual meeting successful.

The links to YouTube streaming of all talks and contributed slides are found at the meeting web site

updated by Masa Watanabe, 18 September, 2020 

2020 CFMIP Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity

Seattle, USA,  September 15-18, 2020

CFMIP2020 physical meeting cancelled due to COVID-19

We regret to announce the cancellation of the 2020 CFMIP meeting scheduled in September 2020 in Seattle USA due to the coronavirus pandemic. This decision has been taken by the CFMIP SSC and local organizers as many in CFMIP friends and colleagues have expressed concern and their health and safety is our foremost priority. It is so disappointing not to have the in person meeting in this September, but we will re-arrange the CFMIP meeting in Seattle sometime in 2021. Contingent upon the dates of the 2021 meeting are decided, we will make an announcement

posted by Masa Watanabe, April 25th, 2020

2019 CFMIP Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity

Mykonos, Greece, September 30-October 4, 2019

The 2019 CFMIP meeting was held at the St. John Hotel in Mykonos, hosted by the National Observatory of Athens.

This CFMIP meeting focused on the theme of the WCRP Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity, fostered collaboration with the CLIVAR CDP program, and addressed all other ongoing CFMIP activities, including CFMIP-sponsored Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) and experiments.  

We are grateful to George Tselioudis (SSC) and local organizers (Vasso Kotroni, Kostas Lagouvardos, Dimitra Consta, Derek Tropf) for hosting us.

The presentation files are available at the meeting web site

updated by Masa Watanabe, October 24th, 2019

2018 CFMIP Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity

Boulder, USA, October 16-19th, 2018

The meeting was held at the National Center for Atmospheric Research at the iconic Mesa Laboratory.

The meeting agenda is available HERE.

The oral presentations from the meeting are available at HERE. (password required to access)

We are grateful to Jen Kay (SSC), Andrew Gettelman, Brian Medeiros, and Angie Pendergrass (NCAR) for hosting us.

updated by Masa Watanabe, January 10th, 2019

2017 CFMIP Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity

Tokyo, Japan, September 25-28th, 2017

The meeting was held at Hongo campus, the University of Tokyo. The meeting agenda and presentation files are available at the meeting website.

The meeting report is available here.

posted by Masa Watanabe, October 3rd, 2017

CFMIP/WCRP/ITCP Conference on Cloud Processes, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity

ICTP, Trieste, Italy, July 4-7th 2016

The 2016 CFMIP meeting was held from 4th-7th July at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. The agenda is available here.

updated by Mark Webb, 25th July, 2016

CFMIP Meeting on Cloud Processes and Climate Feedbacks

Asilomar Conference Grounds, Monterey, California, USA, June 8-11 2015.

The 2015 CFMIP meeting was held from Monday 8th to Thursday 11th June, 2015 at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Monterey, California, USA.

The meeting agenda is available here (Updated 4th June). The presentations from the meeting are now available here.

We are grateful to Steve Klein and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for hosting us.

updated by Mark Webb, 23rd June, 2015

CFMIP/EUCLIPSE Meeting on Cloud Processes and Climate Feedbacks

Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, July 8-11 2014.

The 2014 CFMIP meeting was held jointly with the EUCLIPSE project, and was hosted by KNMI at Hotel Zuiderduin in Egmond aan Zee in the Netherlands.

The agenda and presentations are available on the EUCLIPSE website for further information and updates.

Mark Webb, Updated July 2014

Trending Now: Water 7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle

The Hague, The Netherlands, 14-17 July 2014

Abstract Deadline: 14 February 2014

The increasing demand for fresh water and the impacts of climate change on water availability and extreme events highlight why water is a current major global concern and is "Trending Now." The Conference will celebrate 25 years of GEWEX research and set the stage for the next phase of research addressing the World Climate Research Programme Grand Challenges on water resources, extremes, and climate sensitivity through observations and data sets, their analyses, process studies, model development and exploitation, applications, technology transfer to operational results, and research capacity development and training for the next generation of scientists.

The Conference will include lead speakers in plenary sessions to provide synthesis and perspective, and an extensive set of parallel sessions to support detailed development of specialist themes. Papers are welcome for all parallel sessions, to be given either as oral presentations or posters.

Abstracts are invited for all topics, including: (1) the climate system; (2) land; and (3) atmosphere. For topic details, see the conference programme.

Please consider submitting an abstract to one of the following CFMIP/EUCLIPSE-related sessions:

20. Cloud to rainfall transitions - Linking multi-parameter observations to processes and models. Chris Kummerow, Bjorn Stevens, Jay Mace, Hugh Morrison, Ben Shipway

21. The coupling of clouds, precipitation, and radiation to the large-scale circulation Sandrine Bony, Chris Bretherton

22. Improving the representation of precipitation, cloud, and radiation processes in atmospheric models Jon Petch, Robert Pincus, Steve Woolnough

23. Improving the understanding and modeling of the land-atmosphere interface. Paul Dirmeyer, Bert Holtslag, Adrian Lock, Joe Santanello

*Abstract Submission and Registration*

The abstract deadline is 14 February 2014. Links to abstract submission and conference registration are available here.

CFMIP/EUCLIPSE Meeting on Cloud Processes and Climate Feedbacks

Hamburg, Germany, 10-14th June, 2013

The presentations from this meeting are now available via the EUCLIPSE website.

updated, July 2013

Joint EUCLIPSE-CFMIP meeting

Paris, France, May 29th - June 1st, 2012

The 3rd EUCLIPSE General Assembly and joint EUCLIPSE-CFMIP meeting was held in Paris, from May 29th to June 1st. Please see the EUCLIPSE web site for more details.

posted by Mark Webb, March 2012.

CFMIP/GCSS/EUCLIPSE Meeting on Cloud Processes and Climate Feedbacks

The Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom, 6th-10th June, 2011

A joint meeting between CFMIP, GCSS and EUCLIPSE was held in Exeter during the week of 6th-10th June, 2011. The theme of the meeting was understanding, evaluating and improving the representation of cloud processes and cloud feedbacks in global models. There was a particular emphasis on presentation and discussion of results and/or analysis plans related to CFMIP, EUCLIPSE and GCSS Boundary Layer Cloud cases (the CGILS cloud feedback case and the ASTEX and composite stratocumulus to cumulus transition cases).

The meeting agenda and presentations are now available as of 28th June.

posted by Mark Webb, Adrian Lock and Pier Siebesma - Updated 15th June, 2011

CGILS Meeting

(CFMIP-GCSS Intercomparison of Large-Eddy and Single-Column Models)

March 1-2, 2010 at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York (Meeting website)

The objective of this meeting is to understand the physical mechanism of cloud feedbacks in climate models that participate in the CGILS case study with the goal of interpreting climate sensitivities of AR5 models. Specifically, the meeting will focus on

(1) how the parameterized processes (PBL, stratiform, convective, radiative) behave and interact to produce clouds in the SCMs

(2) what are the physical mechanisms of cloud feedback in the individual SCMs

(3) what can be learned from the LESs

(4) how can the LES results be used to constrain SCMs

(5) how to extrapolate the CGILS results to cloud feedbacks and climate sensitivities of the GCMs

Each participating group has been invited to make presentations for an in-depth analysis of its CGILS results. The presentations will cover all three CGILS locations (shallow cumulus, stratocumulus and stratus, at locations s6, s11, s12) , although emphasis will be for location s11 where LES results are available.

The meeting is open to public, but only presentations related to the meeting objectives are invited. If you do not belong to a participating group and wish to make a presentation, please send an email to Minghua Zhang (

posted by Mark Webb on behalf of Minghua Zhang, Jan 2010

AMS Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence

Keystone, Colorado, 2-6 August 2010

As chair of the AMS Committee on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, I want to invite you to the next Symposium. It will be held 2-6 August 2010 in Keystone, Colorado. We specifically hope to have a substantial number of submissions on boundary layer clouds, which is called out as a topic for emphasis in the Call for Papers. The conference web site is here.

Basic information is on the site now, more will be added in the next few days. Keystone is in Summit County, a beautiful resort area in the Rocky Mountains, and about a 2-hour drive from Denver and Boulder.

The Symposium is always a very intense and valuable meeting with high information density. We hope you will help to maintain that tradition by presenting your work on boundary layer clouds and related matters.

If you have any questions, please contact me or Branko Kosovic, the Program Chair.

Best regards, Wayne Angevine

posted by Mark Webb on behalf of Wayne Angevine November 2009

CFMIP/GCSS Boundary Layer WG Workshop on evaluation and understanding of cloud processes in GCMs

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 8th-12th June, 2009.

 A joint workshop of the Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project and the GCSS Boundary Layer WG was held at:
University of British Columbia in Vancouver
Monday 8th - Friday 12th June, 2009.

Meeting programme: CfmipGCSSVancouverAgenda3rdJun.pdf.

The presentations from the meeting are now available here.

Many thanks to Phil Austin for hosting the meeting. We would also like to acknowledge the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science for their financial support.

posted by Mark Webb and Adrian Lock - Updated March 2010

4th PAN-GCSS meeting on : "Advances in modeling and observing clouds and convection."

June 2-6 2008 at Meteo-France, Toulouse,France.

Meeting announcement and Call for papers

Sponsored by: NASA, U.S. Department of Energy's ARM Program, NOAA, The World Climate Research Program and Meteo France.

The GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS) investigates cloud systems, their role in the climate system and their representation in models with a view to improving our capability to predict weather and climate using state-of the-art modeling and data assimilation systems. GCSS will hold a meeting to review and discuss "Advances in Modeling and observing Clouds and Convection" from June 2-6 2008 at Meteo-France, Toulouse, France.

Key areas to be discussed at this meeting are: "New observations and recent field campaigns", "Tropical Convection", "High Resolution Modeling on Large Domains" and "Cloud Climate Feedbacks". See also the full meeting announcement and call for papers and the GCSS website.

posted by Sandrine Bony and Mark Webb Nov 2007

CFMIP/ENSEMBLES Workshop on assessment of cloud and water vapour feedback processes 

in GCMs, Paris, 11th-13th April, 2007.

IPSL and the Hadley Centre held a joint workshop of the CFMIP and ENSEMBLES projects in Paris on Wed 11th - Fri 13th April, 2007.

The subject of the workshop was the development of diagnostic techniques for the assessment of climate feedback processes in ensembles of GCM simulations. The focus was on the use of observations and process studies to constrain cloud and water vapour feedbacks.

The workshop took place at the "Pierre & Marie Curie University", in the 5th Arrondissement of Paris (Metro: "Jussieu" on line 7).

Workshop programme.

Working group recommendations on experiments, diagnostics and CFMIP-GCSS collaboration

Workshop presentations.

Group photos.

Map of the University

Venue, transportation and Paris hotels.

posted by Mark Webb (Updated June 2007)