CFMIP Early Career Scientist Award

For the purpose of encouraging research activity by young researchers in CFMIP, we manage the CFMIP Early Career Researcher award. This award is given to the best presentations by early career scientists who are either students or received their Ph.D. in the past five years. The award was started in 2017, partly supported by Nature Publishing Group (Nature Climate Change for 2017 and Nature Reviews Earth & Environment for 2019). We ask participants of the CFMIP meeting every year to declare if they are eligible for nomination, and the selection of winners is taken place through a fair judgement by the steering committee.

A list of winners and their presentation titles are below.


Matt Luongo

Tropical Pacific responses to idealized subtropical low cloud forcing through subsurface oceanic adjustment

Arianna Varuolo-Clarke

Exploring drivers of observed and modeled mid-latitude precipitation change

Vincent Cooper

Paleoclimate Pattern Effects and Revised Estimates of Modern-day Climate Sensitivity

Senne Van Loon

Diagnosing Radiative Response and Forcing from Surface Temperature Patterns with Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Hanjun Kim

Wetter East Asia and Western United States with projected delayed Southern Ocean warming


Sophie Abramian

Investigating Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems in Global CRM with Deep Learning

Andrew Williams

Circus tents, convective thresholds and the non-linear climate response to tropical SSTs

Yi-Ling Hwong

Convective Memory and Organisation: Lessons Learned From Idealized Experiments

Sara Shamekh

Implicit learning of convective organization explains precipitation stochasticity

Alejandro Uribe

Observed and modeled CMIP6 internal variability feedbacks and their potential to constrain forced climate feedbacks

Jule Radtke

Spatial organisation affects the pathway to precipitation in simulated trade-wind convection


Rachel Atlas

Hallett-Mossop rime splintering dims cumulus clouds over the Southern Ocean: New insight from nudged global storm-resolving simulations

Clare Singer

Extended mixed-layer theory for the stratocumulus-cumulus transition in climatology and under extreme CO2 forcing


Xiaoli Zhou

Sea surface temperature control on the aerosol-induced brightness of marine clouds over the North Atlantic Ocean --- Implications for cloud feedback in a future warmer climate

Benjamin Fildier

Observation and theory of clear-sky radiative cooling peaks in patterns of organized shallow convection


Yue Dong

Inter-model spread in CMIP5 feedback kinkiness traced to surface warming patterns

Stephen Po-Chedley

Climatological controls on the response of tropical clouds and relative humidity to greenhouse gas forcing  


Angeline Pendergrass

The uneven nature of precipitation and its change

Eleanor Middlemas

Contribution of cloud radiative feedbacks and ocean dynamics to sea surface temperature variability in subtropical northeastern ocean basins


Paulo Ceppi

Contributions of climate feedbacks to changes in atmospheric circulation

Daniel McCoy

Global, convection-permitting simulations of cloud feedbacks and aerosol interactions


Last Updated on June 11, 2024 by Jen Kay