Mailing Lists
We currently operate three CFMIP mailing lists and three Google groups.
CFMIP mailing lists
cfmip_all (at) is used to announce the CFMIP meeting and all the participants of the previous meetings have been subscribed. Please refrain from posting any announcements other than the official CFMIP activities.
cfmip_ssc (at) is used for e-mail discussion within the CFMIP scientific steering committee (SSC), and limited to the committee members. If you like to contact the SSC, posting to this mailing list will be forwarded.
cfmip-model-contacts (at) includes CFMIP/CMIP6 model contact points. Information on updates of the CFMIP/CMIP6 experiments, data requests, COSP implementation etc. will be noticed to modeling groups via this mailing list.
Other google groups
cfmip-user is for general interactions between members of the CFMIP community. Feel free to post here on any subject related to CFMIP. Examples might include queries about CFMIP data, CFMIP diagnostics codes, or advertisements of new CFMIP related papers.
COSP specific issues should be raised via the cosp-user list.
cfmip-diag-dev is for discussions related to the CFMIP diagnostic codes repository.
The above Google groups can be subscribed to in two ways.
You can visit cfmip-user, cosp-user, cfmip-diag-dev, click on the link "Apply for group membership", and follow the instructions. In this case, you will need a Google account. Alternatively, request an invitation by emailing for cfmip-user, for cosp-user, or for cfmip-diag-dev.
updated by Masa Watanabe, 24th October, 2017